Finally finished!
A three bear custom order for Dawn...
and my last creations for 2016!
Dawn, Thank you for your patience ... there were just too many distractions and disruptions during the Holidays so it took me a long long time to complete your order ... but (I think) these teddies turned out beautifully so I hope that you feel that they were worth the wait.
To see my Work In Progress post with photos of me creating these teddies:
Teddy #3650
You've probably noticed the color differences in the photos. I usually take my photos in natural light but it is raining today, a rare event in Southern California, so I took the first photos using "daylight" light bulbs but the teddies look brown rather than the almost black color with a reddish undercoat that they actually are. So I took more photos by a window and the colors are a little more accurate although they look more red than they actually are. It is suppose to rain most of the week so I'm not sure if I will be able to take photos outside, which I would love to do because the colors of these teddies are just so wonderful!!! |
Teddy #3651
Teddy #3652