
Watch my gardens grow

My Drought Tolerant Gardens

I am transforming my lawns into drought tolerant gardens.
I started digging up my lawns in the Spring of 2013
and I estimate that it will take me at least 2 more years
(that would be around 2016) for me to get to all of the areas
of my yard to make them drought tolerant and pretty.
So this page will be "Under Construction" for a long long time.
Check back often to see what I have updated and added.

This desert tortoise has been in our family for
over 40 years so it's about time that I made
him his own enclosed garden. Everything that
is grown inside his yard is something that he can eat !!!

Both this page and my gardens are Works in Progress 

so check back to see my updates and additions

My Backyard Gardens

Most of my plants are in containers or raised gardens.
I made a green area for the dogs ... a small clover yard.
My backyard will eventually be raised gardens for my
herbs and vegetables.
And lots of plants in containers ... hopefully unusual containers, 
like the bathroom sinks (see the blue with yellow trim... that's a bathroom sink).
And glass shades that are now succulent planters. 
And a few kitchen molds too.
See my daughter's old day bed that I turned into a plant stand ...

My sister gave me some plants from her yard that she
thought were melons ... well, they look more like a squash to me.
Zucchini? They sure are growing big!

The ground is still covered in plastic to kill the old grass.
I'm still trying to decide what to use for a ground cover.
Pea gravel would be good with some stepping pavers. 
Maybe living ground cover in some areas too.


My front yard gardens ...

This was my front yard BEFORE my drought tolerant gardens... sooo boring.

My drought tolerant front yard garden is still a Work In Progress... but definitely NOT boring! 

This is a view from the front porch to the street.
Everything I've planted is a succulent.
I will be adding more details about the plants and their containers
as I have the time ... so check back and look for my updates.
I will also be adding more photos as I add more to my garden.


Plants inside my house ...
There are no potted plants inside of my house
only air plants in my kitchen window: